Monday, July 19, 2010

Safari by Bike!

A few weekends ago, I went with some friends to Lake Naivasha. Here are some photos and tales from our adventures...

The drive from Nairobi down through the Rift Valley is spectacular! A little frightening at times when on-coming traffic plays 'chicken' with you on the 2-lane highway that has a sheer drop-off cliff on one side, but nevertheless spectacular!

My favorite thing we did that weekend was explore Hell's Gate National Park by bike! It was amazing to ride our bikes through the park and be able to walk straight up to zebras and giraffes.

They seemed only moderately interested in us though...

The warthogs seemed a little more interested! We had some fun staring contests with each other. The warthogs would usually win though, when I'd bike away in anticipation of being attacked!

We also hiked through an amazing gorge in the park, where there were hot springs that were hot enough to boil an egg on the spot.

On the way home we ran into some monkeys doing their daily grooming deeds...

We later rented a boat to explore Lake Naivasha. Beautiful waterlilies adorned the surface...
And we discovered a group of hippos on the other side of the lake, lurking in the muddy banks.

All around, it was an amazing animal-filled weekend of adventure!

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